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Connect with your Spirit

Psychic Reading

Multidimensional Healing



Healing Sessions...

Energetic Boundaries / Spiritual Contracts / Dis-Ease /
Past Life integration / Soul Retrieval / Ancestral Wounds /
Chakra, Aura, Astral Body, and Hara Line Healing /
Connecting with Guides and Loved Ones on the Other Side /
Release of Past Experiences / Manifestation /


My intention is to facilitate deep healing--supporting your ability to see clearly in your life, and align with your highest path and authentic expression.


Multidimensional Healing with Valerie

During healing sessions, I enter a state of conscious trance and use techniques from the Ancient Mystery Schools to relay precise information and powerful healing from the Spirit world. I facilitate my work via the heart center, the portal to grace, inviting ease in connecting to Spirit and our guides. I see the heart chakra as the bridge between the body and all that is--and thus capable of facilitating powerful transformation!


My intention is to be a clear conduit, facilitating healing energy and relaying Spiritual wisdom for your highest good and the highest good of all, in alignment with Divine timing.

Valerie Lonneman Headshot - psychic reading, intuitive energy healing, Reiki, Cincinnati, Ohio

I begin my sessions with "blind" reading, and ask that you do not share your intentions or any questions you may have until later in our session. Often by then Spirit will have addressed them, or the underlying issue! This supports my desire to get out of the way and let Spirit lead, while also providing the opportunity for "wow" moments of validation that we are truly connecting to your Team of Light.


Spirit has guided me to use the "title" Multidimensional Heart Healer. Not surprisingly, the type of healing I am most often directed to facilitate is relational healing, including outdated Spiritual Contracts and Agreements, cords, old programming from formative relationships, charged emotional energy, etc. Of course, this energy can be held in any part of the body/energy field, not just the heart chakra, with far reaching implications on the way we move through the world.


Multidimensional healing supports all aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, and astral bodies, in this and other lifetimes, and in manners beyond our comprehension. In addition to experiencing profound differences in the ways they move through and perceive the world, many of my clients have experienced measurable physical healing that they have attributed to our work together, often from only one session! The most important element to allowing this level of healing to come through is to let go of limiting beliefs and be open. You will receive the depth of healing that you are ready to receive, in alignment with your path in this lifetime, and with Divine timing.


I offer my support to you with gratitude and humility, with the intention to brighten your connection to your Spirit and your own inner authority. I believe that I have a soul contract with those who I support in this way, and I am grateful for the mutual lessons and healing that we receive from working together.


If you would like to get a feel for my personality and hear more about my journey, an interview about my Spiritual path with psychic development teacher, Nancy Rebecca of Intuitive Mind, is available on YouTube.

"Valerie has a gentle, welcoming energy and a warm, inviting workspace. Her approach is intuitive and graceful. When I booked my session, I had questions about some physical symptoms that had become progressively more intense.

Since my session with Valerie, I've noticed a decrease in my symptoms (joint pain, swelling, muscle stiffness/soreness, fatigue) and as a result, I've been able to increase my activity and my sleep has improved.

I left the session uplifted and with some practical tools to help further my healing process. I highly recommend booking an appointment with Valerie!"

Melissa M.

Feel free to call/text me, email me, or fill out this form
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I look forward to connecting with you!

Phone: (513) 549-1199
Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH
Virtual, phone, unattended, or in person sessions available!
By-donation sessions
I offer a limited number of by-donation sessions.
If this would be of service to you, please contact me.
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