Mt Lookout Square, Cincinnati, OH
Virtual, phone, unattended, or in person sessions available!
Individual Psychic Healing Session
We will connect with your Spirit and guides to illuminate and heal energetic blocks, outdated belief systems or coping mechanisms, energetic connections that no longer serve your highest good, and more!
This session can flow many ways, guided by Spirit, and may include past life integration, soul retrieval, updating or releasing spiritual contracts and agreements, removing others' energy from your field, taking the "charge" out of stuck memories/traumatic experiences, deep healing of energy centers, restoring harmony in your aura and astral body, realigning an aspect of your hara line, balancing and unblocking energy channels, brightening your connection to your intuition and inner voice, introducing you to your guides, ancestral healing, and much more!
Land & Building Healing
This service is to support in clearing/harmonizing the energies of a building and/or piece of land. Often, the energies of those who previously resided at, or spent time on a property will still be present in some form, whether they are living or have crossed over.
I begin with a remote session to provide a pre-healing and receive guidance from Spirit as to what the on-site work will involve. I can also work fully remotely.
This work may involve supporting earth-bound souls in crossing over, identifying and closing any portals that may be attracting unwanted visitors, repairing vortexes, and/or receiving messages from the spirits of the land in order to facilitate reconciliation and reestablish balance and respect for those who dwell upon or spend time on the land.
Established Client
Mini Session
This offering is for established clients who would like to connect in an abbreviated format, in order to receive Spiritual information and healing regarding a few topics or questions, or simply for a "tune up". Option to meet via video call, phone call, or have an "unattended" session where I conduct the session on my own and send you an audio recording. For unattended sessions, you may send me any intentions or questions ahead of time.
Private Event
Group Session
I offer group reading and healing, on themes held in common among those gathered. The idea is that those involved have a Spiritual contract to support each other with moving energy in bigger ways (or maybe on a quicker timeline) than they would otherwise. Group work is very powerful! I have worked within the context of bridal showers and birthday parties, in addition to hosting workshops and retreats that focus on a theme. I often weave a guided meditation in to the experience as well, teaching intuitive Ancient Mystery Schools energy work techniques.
Monthly Group Healing Membership
This offering is for those who feel called to support and be supported by the collective in shifting energy together on a regular basis. Every month, I will send members a recording of a psychic reading and healing on the energy of the group, with the intention to shift and heal that which our group holds in common.
Group healing is powerful work! Moving energy together regularly will support us individually in moving through our lives with more grace and ease. As an additional perk, every month, I will ask Spirit to select a recipient, who will receive a 15 minute recording of a personal mini reading! I will include other offerings on occasion, such as guided meditations or Ancient Mystery Schools techniques to support your energetic self care.
Animal Readings
Animals are also Spirit in an embodied form and can communicate their needs, and receive healing on a spiritual and energetic level! This session is intended to identify any issues or desires your animal companion wishes you to be aware of, and to provide healing energies to support their well-being.
Mediumship Session
Connect with your loved ones who have crossed over on a deeper level. Provide the initials of the loved one(s) you are hoping to connect with, and I will bring through information that validates their presence and any messages for you. Other areas we may explore include: healing for outdated or unresolved Spiritual contracts that you may hold with them, ancestral healing, your ability to connect directly, blessings and gifts they may have to offer, and more, as guided by Spirit. I am also able to support earthbound souls in stepping into a higher frequency, possibly departing the earthly realm so they can begin their healing on the other side.
Note: if a loved one is not able to come through (if they are not ready, or it is not in alignment with Divine timing and the highest good of all) we can still illuminate and send healing energy to any unresolved contracts, support your ability to connect directly with them, and ask your Higher Self for guidance and healing regarding any unresolved emotions or questions you may have.