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Energy Centers Overview

Energy System Anatomy

Energy Centers Overview

There are seven primary energy centers, or chakras, in the human energy field. The image included here provides a sense of the key theme of each of these "spiritual libraries", which hold information that we can reference based on our experiences in this and all lifetimes. They are often visually represented by a lotus or flower blossom, along with a corresponding color. The root and crown chakra face down and up, respectively, and only have one "side", whereas chakras 2-6 have a "front" and "back" on the front body and back body. They connect in the center, along your central energy channel, which is also known as the Hara line, which connects us up to source and down to the center of the Earth.

The energy centers also support us in externalizing and distributing our light, our frequency into the world. So when they are blocked, gunky with old energy and not spinning as fast as it should, too closed down or too opened up, damaged, or otherwise compromised it influences our auric field and the ways that we experience and move through the world. It is very supportive to incorporate chakra healing into your regular energy work (daily, weekly, or however often you feel called given various circumstances and growth cycles). You can do this by creating individual grounding cords from each energy center (intend to ground the back side for chakras 2-6), connecting all the way down to the center of the Earth. Then remind the energy center of the date and your current age, as you rinse it with golden (or whatever frequency you feel called to use) cosmic healing energy. You can also claim the energy centers as a space for you to grow and thrive, simply with a statement and your intention.

Below is my understanding of these aspects of our energetic anatomy. As always, add/leave/revise in alignment with your truth.

The Root Chakra (1, red) at the base of the spine, pointing downwards, is the spiritual library for all things survival--surviving and thriving in a human body. This includes physical resources, health, and close associations, such as family or friend groups, or other groups you identify with strongly. The root chakra supports our ability to be well grounded. Our Kundalini channel also emanates from this area, at the tip of the tailbone.

The Sacral Chakra (2, orange) is located just below the navel and is the spiritual library regarding many embodied states of being. There are many energy channels that emanate from this area: emotional, sexual, creative, masculine/feminine channels. People often attribute emotions to the heart chakra, however this is where emotions are stored and where our emotional experience is informed. Many of the organs in the body are related to the emotions. You can look up these associations online–for example, the liver is associated with anger. In addition to working with the sacral chakra, it can be helpful to send very gentle (and only a little at a time) healing to individual organs to support their release of old and outdated emotional energy.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (3, yellow) is located in the area of the solar plexus. It is the spiritual library of power, boundaries, self-esteem, and manifestation. This energy center can also be thought of as our energy distribution center, as it plays a crucial role in allowing the light of our Soul to be expressed in our lived experiences.

The Heart Chakra (4, green) is located in the heart center and is the spiritual library for all things related to love, including allowing yourself to give and receive love, and connecting to the vibration of unconditional love. The heart center is also supportive for connecting to our multidimensionality, especially supportive for connecting to loved ones on the other side, and with animal guides. *There is also a chakra called the “high heart” which is located in the area of the clavicle. It is our center for our life’s purpose, which I think of as our unique song/frequency in the universe, with many potential outlets throughout our lifespan.

The Throat Chakra (5, blue) is located in the neck/throat and is the spiritual library for communication. This involves verbal and written communication with other embodied souls, and also involves communication between our body and Spirit (via our inner voice), and with guides, via clairaudience (“clear hearing”). Messages in the form of songs we hear in our environment or that come forward internally, and words or phrases that we may hear internally or that someone speaks on behalf of Spirit. The throat chakra has a big focus on speaking our truth. The more we release outdated energy from this energy center, we allow our inner voice to shine forth with clear and authentic expression.

The Third Eye Chakra (6, indigo) is located in the area of the brow, and is the spiritual library for clear seeing. This includes seeing our life and lived circumstances clearly, from a more neutral, Spiritual perspective as well as clairvoyance, “clear seeing”, inner vision/seeing other frequencies and dimensions. There are many components of the sixth chakra, but one of the most important to be aware of and to maintain is the pineal gland. The pineal gland is part of our physical anatomy but plays a very important role in our energy field. It is referred to as the “seat of the Soul” and by focusing our awareness on this area we allow ourselves to access that more neutral, Spiritual perspective.

The Crown Chakra (7, violet/white) is located on the top of the skull, pointing upwards. It is the spiritual library for remembering who we are as Spirit, and connecting to Source/cosmic energy. This energy center facilitates our claircognizance, “clear knowing”, when you just know something to be true. This is actually the highest form of intuitive/psychic information as it essentially draws upon all the other clairs or intuitive senses (perhaps without conscious awareness of those individually) and rolls them up into a knowingness.

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