As someone who has the privilege of perspective informed by exploring themes of the human experience and energy field dynamics with many individuals, I notice patterns. Often, there will be a wave of certain topics or types of healing that emerge in sessions, which reliably give way to another wave. I also frequently hear of similar lived or Spiritual experiences from many individuals (while often experiencing them myself). It is fascinating to see such striking "synchronicities" firsthand and has really strengthened my belief in our interconnectedness.
Last February, I began performing new moon group readings on behalf of a small group of women who said yes to the call to join my Monthly Healing Group. Although I have done one-off group readings before, and received feedback on how the themes and messages resonate with many individuals in the group, this group experience has been unique in that we have been exploring commonly held themes over a period of time with a relatively consistent group. It has also been fascinating to see themes from our group reading reflected (and often intensified as the full moon approaches) in individual client sessions, my own lived experience, and observations of the larger collective.
There are many concepts and theories that attempt to explain our (oftentimes inexplicable) interconnectedness. Last fall, I took Amelia Vogler's Foundations of the Hara course, where we noodled on theories such as the morphic field–a collective memory/informational field that organizes and informs an organisms' growth and behavior. There are experiments that support morphic resonance theory, such as a "rat learning" study, where researchers observed that rats in different locations seemed to learn a new task (like a maze) faster than previous groups of rats who had already learned the same task, or studies which suggest people can tell when they are being stared at from behind. Curious natural phenomena may also be explained by this theory, such as bird murmuration (synchronous bird flock patterns–there are stunning videos of this if you look it up!), schools of fish moving as one, and multi-generational Monarch butterfly migration.
Just as the gravitational and magnetic fields extend beyond the physical boundaries of an object and have an influence on the structure and behavior of other matter, so too may these invisible fields. Concepts such as quantum entanglement, Carl Jung's archetypes, and telepathy describe other aspects of our invisible and unexplained connections. However we may conceptualize it, I believe we influence each other and are influenced by our collective experiences, beliefs, growth, healing, etc. in ways we are not aware of–that we are all connected via invisible forces.Â
Anyway, in the course, I learned about how the Individuation Point on the Hara Line and the Akashic Records are two avenues by which we can access the morphic field intentionally. When an individual engages in energy healing, we can thus draw upon the wisdom of the collective, including our past life experiences and ancestral lessons, to support our learning and healing. I believe that this goes both ways, that individuals also influence and help shape/evolve the morphic field. When we invest in healing our lineages, for example, my sense is that we contribute to opening up an easier pathway for others to "follow" not only in our own bloodlines, but in the greater collective. Similarly, when we pull our energy out of belief systems or institutions that no longer serve the highest good (or perhaps never did), I believe we also exercise meaningful influence on the collective.
Over the last couple of lunar cycles, in my group readings and private sessions, Spirit has really been emphasizing the importance of our thoughts (conscious and subconscious), and how they create our individual and collective "reality" and "truth", often superseding our desires and willpower (i.e. what we are trying to manifest). During this time (November-December 2024), I experienced a significant uptick in excessive "mental energy" (i.e. monkey mind, especially in the middle of the night) and heard of similar experiences from others. Although this is certainly not without (3D) reason given the recent sociopolitical context, I believe that this surge of anxiety and mental energy (trying to "figure things out", etc.) is coming up to be released. A crescendo to support us in seeing and clearing what no longer serves our highest good and the highest good of all (e.g. limiting beliefs, societal programming, wounded masculine control energy, etc.)
As part of this healing of the relationship to the mind, I have received messages from Spirit encouraging stillness/mindfulness practices as an exercise to build our capacity to move the brain/thoughts from the foreground into the middle or even background. My sense is that each time we pause our constant thinking it strengthens our heart-mind coherence, over time supporting the opportunity for us to be greater informed and guided by the multi-dimensionality of our being and by an overlighting presence of love. And again, when we do this, perhaps we support others in doing the same... May it be so.
Peace, from my multi-dimensional heart to yours.