A collaboration with Ruby Koa of Inspire Studio

Inspired by the success of the Energy and Sound Healing event we co-hosted at Bow Sanctuary last fall, Ruby and I have decided to offer the community more opportunities to experience this powerful work. We will again be hosting these events at beautiful Bow Sanctuary, just south of Bellingham.
Each event will focus on supporting a different area of the human energy field, allowing greater alignment with one’s inner self and authentic path. These worskshops will flow as a series for those who are called to and able to attend all three, but are also designed to stand on their own, so you may choose to attend one, two, or all three!
Feb. 12: Your Multi-Dimensional Heart (Heart Chakra Focus)
March 12: Empowered Empath (Auric Field and Third/Solar Plexus Chakra focus)
April 9: Your Wise Inner Voice (Fifth/Throat and Sixth/Third Eye Chakra focus)
We will weave together various approaches to support all levels of your being via sound baths, yogic and energy work techniques in support of the focus area, a psychic reading and healing on issues held in common among participants, and the opportunity to relate in community.
Group energy work is very potent, as the collective support and vibration that we are able to achieve as a group helps move big energy that may be difficult to shift on our own, or even in a one-on-one session. My intention for these gatherings is to bring through Spiritual Wisdom and healing energy that uplifts the highest good of all in the group.
The first event that Ruby and I co-hosted last fall was very successful! It was really powerful to speak with participants after the event, many of whom shared with me that as I described the energy blockages, issues, and Spiritual wisdom that came through during the psychic reading they felt I was speaking directly to them! I am excited for and honored by the opportunity to explore the potential of group readings for healing in community further.
If you are curious or have any questions about whether this type of event would be supportive for you, please feel free to contact me. Visit Inspire Studio for more information and to buy ticket(s), and Bow Sanctuary for venue info and to check out their many unique offerings. (Hint: they now have a sauna!)