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New Collaboration: Sound & Energy Healing

Exploring the synergy between sound baths and energy work

Sound bath energy healing intuitive healing psychich healing new moon full moon circle Bellingham, WA

This summer, the fates interwove my path with Ruby Koa, of Inspire Studio, when I volunteered to help set up at one of her Full Moon Sound Healing circles. I instinctively began offering a healing to the land where we were gathered, grounding and harmonizing the energy throughout the duration of the sound bath (with the intention that I not interfere with the event). Afterwards, I mentioned to Ruby that I had been providing "energy control" and she asked about the techniques I used.

I instinctively began offering a healing to the land where we were gathered, grounding and harmonizing the energy throughout the duration of the sound bath

As it turns out, Ruby is currently studying the same Ancient Mystery School techniques that I practice! We were both giddy to meet another student of these powerful techniques, and to explore potential future collaborations. I began offering "energy control" at her events and want to share my experience here.

Interactions between sound and energy work

My predominant intuitive sense is claircognizant, meaning that I am a "knower". My second strongest sense is clairaudience, which often manifests for me as songs popping up in my mind that relate to a message from Spirit, or "hearing" words that help describe someone's energy field during a reading. Although I have some clairvoyance, it is not the primary way that I gather intuitive information, so I rely a lot on my known sense of how the energy is moving.

Rhythmic gong playing has the ability to help connect us to our guidance, as well as provide healing to our body, helping to release physical and emotional energy blocks. During the more lively/intense parts of the gong bath, I sensed that the energy was really getting stirred up, prompting big releases! I really had to strengthen the grounding and direct the energy to release to Mother Earth.

Rhythmic gong playing has the ability to help connect us to our guidance, as well as provide healing to our body, helping to release physical and emotional energy blocks.

Feedback from participants

I learned how to harmonize the energy of a room/space during my second year of training with Intuitive Mind, however, I had not practiced them in an event setting, so I was curious to see what I would sense and if workshop participants would notice my support.

Following the first event, I was blown away by the feedback that I received from participants! Many commented on how they could feel my support with their grounding, allowing them to release more outdated energy. I also heard that my support allowed folks to feel more insulated from others' energy, helping them to really drop in to their own experience. One participant who is second-sighted clairvoyant (meaning she can see energy flow with her eyes open) told me that she could see energies from the earth and cosmos flowing through my field, and then out into the group! Many were deeply touched and even emotional when describing how supported they felt by my presence. It was a very powerful and validating experience for me.

I was blown away by the feedback that I received from participants! Many commented on how they could feel my support with their grounding, allowing them to release more outdated energy.

Event offering: October New Moon Energy and Sound Healing

Ruby and I both feel called to expand upon this exciting foundation and have decided to offer an event that weaves more energy work in. We are excited to offer a New Moon Energy and Sound Healing event at Bow Sanctuary on October 23, from 6:00-8:00pm. The evening will include a guided meditation where participants will learn to ground deeply and run energy through their body and energy field. I will also be providing energy control and will perform a Rose Reading on the group while participants relax and enjoy a 45 minute gong bath.

I have not done a reading on a group's collective energy before, so I am excited to see what comes up and how it resonates for folks when I share what themes arose after the sound bath. The basic principle of a group reading is that everyone who attends the event holds "matching pictures" on certain topics and that your Spirits have guided you to come together as a group to help each other release and harmonize your energy fields. Group healing work is very powerful, and I can already feel my Spirit cheering me on for stepping in to this type of offering!

Please feel free to contact me if you are curious about whether this event would be supportive for you. You can learn more about the sound healing aspects of the evening and purchase tickets on the Inspire Studio event page. We are excited to host this offering in the beautiful Yoga Hall at Bow Sanctuary, where I offer in person sessions on Tuesday afternoons.

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