Greetings from Cincinnati, OH!
My (now fiancé!) Brandon and I arrived about a week ago, after a whirlwind move and a surprisingly relaxing drive across the country with our sweet dog, Maddy. We sent healing to the trip ahead of time, and were very fortuitous in our timing with the big snow storm in the central plains, and the tornadoes and severe weather in the Midwest and Eastern states.
However, our trip was not uneventful! Among other things a check engine light popped up halfway through the “Wildlife Loop” at Custer State Park, SD–an hour and a half from the nearest mechanic, and an additional four hours to our next Airbnb. Fortunately, we were able to ground ourselves and the car, and send healing energy to support the situation to unfold in the highest vibration possible. We ended up finding a super affordable, helpful and trustworthy mechanic, who got us in immediately and invited us to hang out with him as he cleaned off the spark plugs and sent us on our way. We even had time to stop at a rock hounding spot in the National Forrest land near the Badlands, where we each found a cool agate!
I am so grateful for the techniques that I have learned and incorporated into my life that allow me to work with the energy of a given situation, even when life throws some seemingly nasty curve balls!
We arrived in Ohio in time to experience the April 8 solar eclipse, which was my first time to see a total eclipse. The stunning ring around the moon and the “diamond” burst just before made quite an impression on me! We were fortunate to be able to relax in the gorgeous warm sunny weather with family in my aunt and uncle’s yard, amongst a carpet of violets.
As a fellow sensitive soul, you may have experienced a build up (and perhaps a big release) of energies around the eclipse. This was especially noticeable for me in the days leading up to it. The two recent eclipses and this time frame around them is quite significant astrologically and energetically, ushering in some big shifts. Personally, my astrology reflects significant changes for my career/public life (lunar eclipse in Libra, which falls in my 10th house) and in my home, foundation, and connection to my lineage (solar eclipse in Aries, which falls in my 4th house). Quite apropos considering my relocation to my hometown! If you’re curious to see where the eclipse astrology is influencing you the most, you can look to see which houses Libra and Aries fall in on your natal chart. I recommend the Chani Nicholas free natal chart generator and app.
Perhaps you, like me, have been experiencing sleep disruptions or other ascension symptoms. If so, know that you are not alone (!) as you (and we, collectively) are integrating some big energy. This morning, for example, I decided to embrace the sleepless second half of my night and write this blog post, after supporting my body and energy field with some energetic TLC and receiving a clear message to not fight it, but embrace and find an outlet for my early morning mental energy.
If you would like to learn simple energetic techniques to support your body, mind, and soul, I invite you to explore whether my Monthly Healing Group would be a good fit. The focal point of this offering is a monthly group reading and healing on issues we are supporting each other to move energy around. In addition to providing an audio recording of that reading, I teach techniques from the ancient mystery schools that I am led by Spirit to share in support of individual empowerment. I also hold an optional monthly virtual gathering for an opportunity to share in community about individual experiences, ask questions, and review the techniques. Additionally, I select one member each month who receives a free mini-reading! Feel free to reach out if you are curious to hear more about the group, or chat about whether it would be a good fit for you.
Peace, from my multi-dimensional heart to yours.