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The 5D(+) Threshold: Shifting Your Weight Forward

Last month, I was feeling into the bigness of the energy around the Solstice, while performing the Monthly Healing Membership group reading. Spirit showed me a symbol to help understand and send healing to the group around the energetic changes on the Earth at this time, and how they are affecting us. I saw an image of stepping through a threshold. I understood that this image represented a big transition, and felt a sense of ease, peace, and pleasure in the energy that we are collectively moving forward into. It felt like there was a newfound ability to turn the page, or wipe the slate clean, especially in our emotional experience and expression. I experienced a lightness of being and a sense of clarity and alignment.

A couple of days later, while in a session with a client, I received a similar message and had a major aha! moment. Spirit was referring to the transition into fifth dimensional (and beyond) presence! This seemed very obvious in hindsight, but I gave my mind some grace and smiled in gratitude at Spirit for re-iterating the point to clarify the meaning. :) The symbol represented an opportunity to heal energy around this transition, making it easier for body and Ego self to navigate the rippling out with ease.

Now, I want to mention that I am actually somewhat uncomfortable with third dimension/fifth dimension (3D/5D) concepts, as I sometimes pick up on a sense of elitism or otherness about who is living their best 5D life and who is "stuck" in the 3D. However, I believe that we all have the potential to experience a 5D (heart centered) way of moving through the world, in alignment with each individual's highest path and divine timing. Indeed, my sense is that most people already shift between these (and other) dimensions/frequencies throughout our days.

My understanding of how we experience the fifth dimension in our daily life is via moments of connection, grace, and peace. This is facilitated by allowing a more Spiritual perspective, or a more embodied connection to our Higher Self and all that is. In meditation, or however we may cultivate intention and focused attention, we allow ourselves to connect with this fifth dimensional frequency in more immersive and mystical ways.

The way that I experienced the fifth dimensional frequency was as a bubbly, sparkly, effervescent energy flowing into my heart center. I sensed the grace of allowing ourselves to shift our weight more into the forward foot, across the threshold, to experience greater access to ease, peace, and pleasure!

(mental break! These roses bloomed in my front yard and have a light, beautiful fragrance)

However, this is not an easy transition for many, and we need to allow ourselves to take it at the pace that is right for our unique being. Indeed, we may feel as if we are being pulled between two realities (or ways of perceiving/thinking/behaving) that are becoming more and more dissonant. Imagine standing with one foot on either side of the floor in a revolving restaurant. At a certain point, your legs would become so far apart that you would have to essentially go all in, shifting your weight to one side or the other, to avoid doing the splits!

As a result, many people (myself included) are experiencing discomfort or a desire to disassociate during this time. It is also summer in the northern hemisphere, so the business brought about by the solar (divine masculine/yang/movement) aspect of this season can make it difficult to slow down and tune in! That said, taking the time to work intentionally with our energy field can allow integration of these higher frequencies into the body and Ego self at a more comfortable pace, and with less resistance from outdated mental energy (societal programming, limiting beliefs, etc.) or old patterns and experiences held in the body.

Below are a smattering of energy techniques and observations that may be supportive for those who desire to explore. Allow yourself to have fun, using your imagination (which is your Spirit's way of communicating), and as always follow what feels right to you! Your Spirit may guide you to work with the energy in a different way.

  • Grounding is always going to be the best place to start ! Ask your Spirit to help you to deepen your grounding. You may find yourself immersed in a nature scene, or focusing on how it would feel to run your hand on some moss, or to smell the scent of pine needles or roses. (Can you tell I miss the evergreen forests of the PNW?!)

  • Focus on your heart center and allow yourself to be a conduit of this vibration to those around you and your environment. Get a sense of this energy (perhaps effervescent and sparkly), working with your breath to draw it in through your connection to all that is via the heart center with your inhale and allowing it to flow through you, to the Earth and the physical plane as you exhale.

  • The release of old energy from the 5th chakra/throat (our communication center) will allow greater connection between your body and Higher Self. This also supports with letting go of resistance that the body/Ego self may hold. You can do this by reminding your throat chakra (and entire body) of the current date and your age, and by flowing golden healing light, or golden roses through your chakra. You can also talk to your body and let it know that it is safe to let this fifth dimensional (or higher) frequency in, and ask it to allow the release of old energy that doesn't serve your highest good to make room for the expansion!

  • This threshold passage is providing a potent opportunity to dredge deep to release old energy out of the emotional waters. Imagine dropping old energy down your grounding cord—you may see the outdated energy as balls of color, or sense the release of heaviness. Rest assured that you do not need to be consciously aware of what you are releasing. Afterwards, you may find that you no longer have a stake in the outcome of a situation—rising above it entirely. Or you may find that the emotional “charge” is no longer present in relationships or in remembering past experiences.

  • While in the process of release, you may wish to invite an image of being a piece of driftwood or an otter, floating on the surface of a body of water, which is symbolic of the emotions. This visualization can support you to shift your awareness to be in relationship with your emotions but not overwhelmed by them (i.e. not "underwater") as you let go.

  • I saw an image of a lock and key on the throat chakra, and understood that tending to the this energy center may facilitate a deeper release from the sacral/second chakra of old emotions, or old ways of holding on to or being in relationship with your emotions. Singing, sounding, howling, chanting, crying, or simply speaking your truth aloud (to yourself or possibly to others) are great ways to help move this energy!

  • Remember to be kind to yourself. There is a lot going on, on all levels of our being right now. Give yourself permission to prioritize your physical and mental needs and to experience joy and relaxation. Time connecting with nature can really help, even just bare feet on the Earth. You can also connect with Earth energy to calm your body down (this may be especially helpful before you fall asleep)—simply intend to draw earth energy up through the soles of your feet, regardless of where you are. You may get a sense of a certain type of Earth energy that you are working with, and how it is uniquely supporting you at this time (e.g. dark green nourishment, light green new growth, aquamarine soothing, or red clay purifying Earth energy).

I hope this is supportive for you during these big times of change. I would love to hear how you are doing, or if you have any questions about working with these techniques. Please feel free to reach out! As always, I would be honored to support your healing journey if you feel called.

Peace, from my multi-dimensional heart to yours.

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